St John’s Heritage Association, Kingsdown

Members’ Newsletter December 2024


Dear Members (and potential new members)

 The SJHA was formed in 2013 to raise funds for the maintenance, repair and conservation of the fabric of St John the Evangelist Church and churchyard Kingsdown.  Our income is generated by annual subscriptions, donations, and fund-raising events.

 The AGM in March 2024 elected the committee; members are Liz Deschamps, Elaine Love (secretary), Gordon Love, Elaine Mordaunt, Huw Morgan-Thomas, Barbara Ridout and Ian Stephen (chair). Jean Winn, Cornilo Churches PCC treasurer, is also ex officio treasurer of the Association.

 The West End project: The major repairs to the church gutters, downpipes and sections of brickwork was completed in early October at a cost of £12k. The plan to refurbish the west end of the church to include improved storage and kitchen facilities, was given impetus when we were given a briefing by a visiting architect who had masterminded similar projects in Sandwich and Tilmanstone. Hopefully, we will have plans and estimates which are needed before a faculty application is considered, in the new Year.

 Fundraising events: In 2024 the Garage Safari raised £337, supplemented by £300 from the event income, (thank you Rex) and the Cream Tea (Sunday 28th July) a very encouraging £466.

In September the church was full to hear Robert Crampton (Times journalist) discuss his fascinating career followed by a lively Q&A session; the event raised £1143. A month later David Cole (OBE, MVO) Director of Music of the Central Band of the Royal British Legion, brought the brass team, together with guest singer Rosie Birkett, to St John’s and gave an uplifting programme to another full house; this event raised £1192. A big thank you to both Robert and David who gave their services free. Finally, in December, the Grand Christmas raffle sponsored by Nick Britton at The Ox Tale, raised £700 for SJHA funds topped up by a generous donation of £200.  Thanks to all who bought tickets and to the staff at Del’s village shop and The Ox Tale who sold the raffle tickets at a busy time of year in the run up to Christmas. First prize (turkey) went to Carol Bryant, Mark Digweed won the whisky (second prize) and Barabra Peel the third prize (Christmas cake). The prizes were supplemented by a generous donation of three Christmas wreaths from Kentish Flowers on the day of the draw. Grateful thanks are due to the SJHA committee team who publicised and organised the events and to the local community for supporting them.

Although not an SJHA event, the church is again very grateful to the Kingsdown carol singers and local residents, especially the trombone accompanists, who tireless efforts raised £3k over ten days to be split between the church and the Deal Foodbank.  

 Membership: Currently we have 94 members, but we would like many more. Thirty-four supporters are lifetime members, the remainder opt to pay annually by BSO. The fabric of the church at St John’s is constantly in need for maintenance and repair and we need your support.

Individual membership is now £12 a year and for a couple £20. Lifetime membership remains at £100 for an individual and £200 for a couple. Donations are very welcome.

 Contact Ian Stephen on 01304 380550 / 07960 069441 or if you are keen to join us. We are also looking for new committee members to help share the load of event organisation. The SJHA newsletter and membership details are also available on the Cornilo Churches website  A big ‘thank you’ for your continuing support of your village church. 

 Two nearly new art books still remain unsold from the Garage Safari

‘Fra Angelico’ compiled by Laurence Kanter & Pia Palladino 

‘The Gates of Paradise’ Lorenzo Ghiberti’s Renaissance masterpiece

If you wish to make an offer, which could be less than half price (check out Amazon for the current prices) please contact Ian Stephen ( 

 The date of the AGM and future 2025 events programme will be circulated shortly

 Happy New year to you all 

  Ian Stephen (Chair SJHA) 
